Document 2089 DOCN M94A2089 TI Social and cultural analysis of the AIDS woman. DT 9412 AU Arbelo G; Macias J; Masini R; F. J. Muniz Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):383 (abstract no. PD0140). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370486 AB PURPOSE: Analysis of the social and cultural variables in female patients with the H.I.V. virus and with AIDS compared to the incidence increase in women. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Three hundred (300) social and epidemiologic histories picked up by the Social Service Office since 1-2-90 till 12-30-93. Analytical and critical methodology. Variable relation. The variable analysis showed the following results: Ages: Less than 15 to 19 years old: 13 (4.33%), 20 to 34 years old: 246 (82%), 35 to 55 years old: 41 (13.67%). Living with their relatives: 277 (92.34%). Living alone: 16 (5.33%). Living in rehabilitation centers: 7 (2.33%). Conflictive family dynamics: 208 (69.33%). Containing family: 92 (30.67%). Own housing: 122 (40.67%). Leased home: 70 (23.33%). Assigned: 84 (28%). Usurped house: 16 (5.33%). No house: 8 (2.67%). Education: Elementary complete: 82 (27.34%). Elementary incomplete: 22 (7.33%). High school complete: 54 (18%). High school incomplete: 110 (36.67%). Accessed tertiary and/or university level: 32 (10.66%), completed: 14 (4.66%). Addicts: 178 (59.33%). Non addicts: 122 (40.67%). Sexual conduct: Homosexual: 2 (0.67%). Bisexual: 3 (1%). Heterosexual: 295 (98.33%). No social security: 248 (82.67%). With social security: 52 (17.33%). CONCLUSIONS: Based on the analysis and relationship of the variables regarding the family structure, dynamic of relations, the education and addiction we classify the population studied from the point of view of the risk according to these three groups: TABULAR DATA, SEE ABSTRACT VOLUME. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/*EPIDEMIOLOGY/PREVENTION & CONTROL/TRANSMISSION Adolescence Adult Argentina/EPIDEMIOLOGY Comparative Study *Cross-Cultural Comparison *Developing Countries Female *Gender Identity Human Middle Age Risk Factors Sex Behavior Social Environment Social Security/STATISTICS & NUMER DATA Social Support *Socioeconomic Factors MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).